Maternity DNA Test and It's Application

Maternity DNA Test and It's Application

Maternity DNA tests are conducted to determine biological relationship between a mother and her child. In this test, our experts at DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center India analyses the DNA pattern of the alleged mother and compare it with the child’s DNA. If the match occurs at nearly 50% then the biological relationship has been authorized.
If the biological father also participates in the test, half of the child’s DNA is excluded and the remaining is compared with the alleged mother. In the absence of the father, we conduct “fatherless maternity DNA test” which includes a deeper and comprehensive analyses without compromising the accuracy of DNA test results.
Maternity DNA Tests may prove to be helpful in many situations:
  • To prove biological relationships in immigration cases.
  • In IVF pregnancy to determine whether the embryo conceived was implanted into the correct mother’s womb.
  • In surrogacy to determine the child is not of the surrogate mother but of the egg­ donor (biological) mother.
  • Baby mix-up situations in hospital’s maternity wards.

In an Immigration DNA Test petition based on a biological maternity relationship, the immigration authorities of the U. S., such as the USCIS or U. S. abroad can ask the petitioner and the beneficiaries to do a DNA test when the primary documents are not available or insufficient to prove the relationship claimed.

In this scenario, only AABB Accredited laboratories such as DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center( DNA Center India )  can perform the test and communicate directly with the requesting immigration office for specimen collection and reporting of results. The parts tested in U. S. will be collected by one of our professional collectors across the country and the parties abroad will be collected by specialist doctors appointed by the USCIS or U. S. The Applicant Immigration Bureau and our clients will receive a copy of the results with a copy of their documents on the chain of custody.

In an adoption case, one of the appropriate steps that ensure long-term peace of mind is that biological parents formally renounce their legal parental rights. Often it is not easy to check who  are the true biological parents of the adoptive child.

In a situation of domestic adoption, some mothers of birth cannot inform the biological father  when they abandon the child for adoption. According to the laws of each state, the biological father may still have parental rights that he may want to pursue even after the child has been abandoned for adoption by the biological mother. Therefore, it is important to verify who is the biological father by a paternity test and have him formally renounce his parental rights. In the meantime, it is always advisable to have the motherhood adopted and formally abandon her parental rights so that there are no longer any potential legal problems in the future.

In an international adoption case, that require a maternity test to complete the adoption
process. Some of the countries are not included in the Hague treaty and may have experienced child trafficking and fraudulent adoption practices. A maternity test conducted under official testimony and appropriate procedures is a practical method for checking maternity and ensuring that the biological mother voluntarily abandons her child for international adoption.

In addition, the maternity DNA test can help to verify the mother-child relationship when the  adoptee decides to seek out his biological mother.


Recently, there has been an increase in the number of parents of the U. S. who seek surrogacy to  have a baby. There are currently two types of substitution: "traditional" and "gestational".  Traditional surrogacy is done by artificial insemination, with the substitute using her egg and  another man's sperm to conceive the embryo. Gestational surrogacy is done through in vitro fertilization (IVF), where fertilized eggs from another woman are implanted into the surrogate's uterus.
In both cases, the intended parents must verify the child's biological parents and take appropriate  legal procedures to obtain their parental rights. A maternity DNA test can help exclude the substitute as a biological mother in a pregnancy case. A maternity DNA test can also confirm the substitute as a biological mother in a traditional case  of surrogacy and help relinquish her parental rights to make the child available for adoption. In a maternity DNA test, the father, child and presumed mother normally participate in the tests. The participation of the father is optional and will not affect the accuracy of the test. This test
 can be performed before the birth of the child if necessary. In this type of case, the baby's DNA  is collected by an OB-GYN using CVS or Amniocentesis procedures. We encourage our clients to  consult their OB-GYN about the risks before they take the DNA tests before they are born.


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