Things To Know Before Getting a Sibling-Ship DNA Test in India

A DNA test can help reunite families by establishing the genetic relationships among the alleged relatives. One such DNA test is a Sibling-Ship DNA Test. Sibling DNA Testing is based on the statical probability of two individuals being siblings by finding out the Siblingship Index.

The Siblingship Index of less than 1 means that the alleged siblings are not biologically related, while if it’s greater than 1, it means that the two are biologically related siblings to each other.

Type of Sibling DNA Testing

A Sibling-Ship DNA Test in India is done in two different configurations - a Full Siblingship DNA Test or a Half Siblingship DNA Test. Here’s what you should know before selecting for a specific Siblingship DNA Test in India.

  1. Full Sibling DNA Testing - If the tested parties know either of their parents is their common biological parent, for example, the mother, but are not sure if they share the same father or not, then they have to go for a Full Sibling-Ship DNA Test.
  2. Half Sibling DNA Testing - If the two alleged siblings know that they share one common biological parent, but aren’t sure if it’s the alleged mother or the father, then they should go for a Half Sibling-Ship DNA Test.

Where to Go For an Accurate Sibling DNA Testing in India?

If you are searching for the right place to get a Siblingship DNA test in India with 100% accuracy and reliability of the test reports, go nowhere other than DDC Laboratories India. 

At DDC Laboratories India, we are providing accurate and reliable Siblingship DNA Tests at competitive pricing. Call us now on 7042446667 or WhatsApp on 9266615552 to learn more or book your test.


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