DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals

 We hear reports of Baby Swap cases in Hospitals in India very often. It is a very sorry state that evils like child swapping still exist in India. 

The DNA forms the basis of the DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the genetic material that determines the biological make-up of a child. DNA is the blueprint of a person's life. A Child Swap DNA Test is the only authentic way to the identification of the real child in a baby swapping case.

The good news is that the easy availability of DNA tests for child swapping in India makes it possible for the suspecting parents to get back their real child. Two such cases gained a lot of public attention. There are many examples where a Baby Swap DNA test has saved the situation, and the parents successfully got their children back. A few examples are:

  • Baby Swap Case in 2016 in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

  • Patiala Baby Swap Case in 2017
    In a very popular baby swap case in Karnataka, DDC Laboratories India helped the parents reunite with their baby. There were two mothers claiming a male child and disowning a female child. Both women had delivered babies within a time gap of ten minutes. As obvious, the concerned parents demanded justice, holding the hospital responsible for the baby swap. After the police intervention, the hospital authorities had sent the requisite blood samples for Child Swap DNA Test. The hospital authorities and the police convinced one of the parents to keep the female child until DNA reports are available. Such cases may be very stressful for the parents. It is also not healthy for the babies who become victim to sheer negligence from the hospital staff or an intentional crime.

DNA Tests involving the mother's participation become the basis for the DNA test for Baby Swap in Hospitals. We can get two types of tests for the relationship identification between the child and the biological mother:

  • Maternity DNA Test: This test compares the child’s DNA with that of the alleged mother. A child gets half of the DNA from its mother. The child inherits the mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) from the mother. If the child is found to inherit the alleged mother’s DNA during the test, the biological relationship is established. This test is also beneficial in adoption, surrogacy, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and immigration cases. If a father also participates in the test, only half of the child’s DNA is considered. However, in the absence of the father, a “fatherless maternity test” is done. 

  • Paternity Trio Test: This test is desirable in complex situations for a higer degree of clarity. The test considers the samples from the alleged father, the alleged mother, and the child. This way, the lab can verify if the alleged father is the child’s biological father. The use of both mother’s and father’s DNA doubly confirms the child’s paternity. Though the lab recommends the mother’s presence during the test, it also provides the option of a “motherless paternity test.” A motherless paternity test requires a deeper analysis for the best results. The paternity test either 100% confirms that the alleged father is not biologically related to the child or gives a 99.999% match.

DDC Laboratories India provides an authentic Child Swap DNA Test in India. The lab ensures the trustworthiness and accuracy of the test results. 


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