Immigration DNA test
testing is a milestone in the field of Immigration and helps in applying for
VISA of many countries for which relationship needs to be proved. Most of the
countries now want AABB Accredited immigration DNA test document and also want proof of relationship before they grant you a visa to visit
their country.
is very tedious to find out papers that can prove the relation. Most of the
time the papers are lost or were never made. Immigration DNA Test helps to
prove relationship in just a week’s time. The test can also be sent directly to
the embassy. It is a legal proof of relationship and leaves no scope for visa
denial on the basis of relationship.
test can be used for various other purposes. During mass deaths, deceased
bodies can’t be recognized. With DNA testing, you can find the identity of the
dead body and also the family of deceased. DNA Testing helps to solve criminal
cases. Forensic team surveys the crime spot and collect samples from there in
the form of blood, hair strand etc. which could be tested in a Laboratory to
find the suspect. Paternity and maternity test can also be conducted.
DNA test can help you to find genetic disorders as well. You can even check the
drug history of a person. Immigration DNA test is a sure shot way to get a
visa. Some consultants have started getting the test done before applying for
the visa for an easy and convenient procedure for grant of visa.
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