Grandparent DNA test
DNA test is used to
determine a biological relationship between two or more
persons. There are various types of relationship DNA tests such as paternity,
maternity, ancestry, sibling-ship, kinship and grandparent DNA test.
DNA grandparent test
can be very helpful in establishing relationships between a grandchild and
grandparents. If a child's alleged father is not available and grandparents
want to confirm the biological origin of a child, DNA grandparents test is
used. A child inherits half of the genes from both the parents and if one
parent is not available, grandparent’s DNA is used to determine whether they
have contributed anything.
Grandparent DNA
Testing is not as definite as maternity or paternity analysis and used only
when DNA paternity or maternity is not possible to perform. By comparing a grandparent, grandfather or
grandmother, to the child, we prefer to add the mother of the child in the case
initially to mitigate the likelihood of an inconclusive outcome. If the child's
mother is not available, we can test only a grandparent and a child, but the
probability of an inconclusive outcome is much higher.
A grandparent DNA test
is beneficial when the alleged father of a child is not available for testing
or refuses to be involved in the test.
If you do a DNA test for legal or paper reasons, such as survivor benefits in
the case of a deceased father, first check that the organization you are
working with will accept the results of a DNA testing of grandparents. In some cases, they
will not. Our skilled DNA specialists can help you to determine the correct
option for you to solve relationship issues.
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