Maternity DNA Test and It's Application
Maternity DNA Test and It's Application Maternity DNA tests are conducted to determine biological relationship between a mother and her child. In this test, our experts at DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center India analyses the DNA pattern of the alleged mother and compare it with the child’s DNA. If the match occurs at nearly 50% then the biological relationship has been authorized. If the biological father also participates in the test, half of the child’s DNA is excluded and the remaining is compared with the alleged mother. In the absence of the father, we conduct “fatherless maternity DNA test” which includes a deeper and comprehensive analyses without compromising the accuracy of DNA test results. Maternity DNA Tests may prove to be helpful in many situations: To prove biological relationships in immigration cases. In IVF pregnancy to determine whether the embryo conceived was implanted into the correct mother’s womb. In surrogacy to determine the child is...